61 (thou hast given us)

THOU HAST given us to live.

Let us uphold this honour with all our strength and will;

For thy glory rests upon the glory that we are.

Therefore in thy name we oppose the power that would plant its

banner upon our soul.

Let us know that thy light grows dim in the heart that bears its

insult of bondage.

That the life, when it becomes feeble, timidly yields thy throne to untruth.

For weakness is the traitor who betrays our soul.

Let this be our prayer to thee

Give us power to resist pleasure where it enslaves us.

To lift our sorrow up to thee as the summer holds its midday sun.

Make us strong that our worship may flower in love, and bear

fruit in work.

Make us strong that we may not insult the weak and the fallen,

That we may hold our love high where all things around us are

wooing the dust.

They fight and kill for self-love, giving it thy name.

They fight for hunger that thrives on brothers' flesh,

They fight against thine anger and die.

But let us stand firm and suffer with strength

for the True, for the Good, for the Eternal in man,

for thy Kingdom which is in the union of hearts,

for the freedom which is of the Soul.


